Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Family Holiday Project

Are you looking for something to fill those hours tomorrow between rounds at the food table? Or maybe you're planning to skip the Black Friday rush and just stay home, but you're not sure what to do instead of shopping.

Here's an idea that's guaranteed to build a little holiday spirit for you and your loved ones:

The DeMotte Library's Gingerbread House Contest is just around the corner and the library is inviting anyone interested to create a gingerbread house and enter it for judging. The library will be accepting donated houses anytime between December 3-5. The houses will go on display December 7-12, during which time patrons will be able to vote for their favorites by placing money into the associated jars. An auction of the houses will follow on the 14th.

Check out our contest page to see more information, as well as some JCPL books about gingerbread decorating. Put on your most creative hats and have fun. Whatever you come up with, we hope you find a bit of peace on earth and goodwill towards mankind in the process.